What is meditation ?

In a glimpse of moment one lives a lifetime, and this particular instance of life is what we generally tag, as a spiritual moment. What we overlook to see, is that moments are just the thread of an ongoing moment to the next ongoing moment, so its all in all, a singular moment in a plural sense. So, life as a whole, is a spiritual experience.

Its unusual for a seeker to dive somewhere in pacific and search for the peak of Everest. Yet, its the same land formation, that makes both of them alive metaphysically. So being in Antarctica, is also being in Sahara, in a longer thread of physical momentum. And when this feeling as an experience is in touch with the physical identity of man, then he becomes a mystic, A Buddha.

Then, What is meditation ?
The definition says, that its the journey from self to self. Science says its non dual-ness of the universe. And vaguely we all realize that its true, I am more than this body, yet I cant clearly classify what more. So meditation, in this regard is the door toward the self attainment, such that the peak point is a complete emptiness. Its a bit harsh for the mind to comprehend, but that's all to be said, of something that cannot be expressed in words. In a way, all the mystics try to explain us that, its not expressible, but doing so they have to say something, which then becomes the doctrines of religions. 'Irony'

The universe resonates both as energy and mass, but energy in a way is mass hidden as energy which is mass. So, when Hinduism says, non dual, it does not mean one, but that  which is not two and not one as-well. The Buddhist expression of nature of reality. When Buddha says, Nirvana, that's the non-dual quality of every forms of existence, in a little twist of a word. 


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