Connection to Everywhere !

We are the best recipe that life offers,
well cooked, and well served,
with all those seasoning and crust,
my atoms are as yours, so well adjust,
and also whales and ants and universe,
traces to crucibles of gene's so diverse,
memories of the first cell in this earth,
yours and my gene's have those all,
evolutionary pressures lives and recalls,
sometimes unstable, getting better,
sometimes collapsed, extracting witter,
You and I, are carbons making diamonds,
gas clouds, out there somewhere submerged,
would one day recall all these reactions,
a solar system being formed is just abstraction,
of planets orbiting those big giant stars,
making you and I possible, recalls attractions,
life is everywhere out there in atoms as fractions,
You and I am as big as the universe in interaction,
everyone is connected even the distant most stars !


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