Let's talk about human clocks ! (ep 1)

Time, is a concept, which is defined as a dimension that moves from past through present to future. I cannot see any meaning in these words, whilst it looks to be something that makes sense, it is nonsense, there is no past and present for us, we even have an absolute present, which moves in a speed that's unbelievably fast, the present is a sudden experience. So, Time, lets take it as an institution that makes it easy for us to define our experiences in the very best way, so time physically doesn't exist. Science says, that time is relative to space, so its finite, in an infinite dimension. Now this is physically well classified, but still idiotic, if that's the case then we are residing everywhere all at once, and our fate is enclosed, in an inverted comma.

Whatever it is, time is a very important part of our life. We are time diluted animals. We as, humans distinctly have a clock inside, that captures the momentum of life, and this clock is disturbed at birth itself, it seems to be socialized. When a child is born, the doctors tell the parents to feed their children, at every 5 hours, and every 5 hours, the mother goes to the baby, and tries to make him eat, the baby cries, denies, yet he has to surrender. But its a stupid thing to do. A child will cry when he is hungry, and that's the time to feed him food. Generally we think that the toddler will go on eating chocolate if he is allowed as much chocolate as he wants. But that's not true the child only takes some, then starts to play with the chocolate. The clock inside tells him to stop. We are defined in momentary time now, time to eat, even if you are not hungry, you feel that its time to eat. So, basically we surrender to time as an institution. 

Let me, take a scientific approach to define the internal clock of human beings. The internal clock basically regulates everything that a human being does. So if you look at the pattern of your life, you get sleepy around the same period of time, tired around the same period of time, your sexual desires seems to be up almost naturally around the same period of time, and this is regulated by a clock, biological clock that is inside every human being. Now, scientist have found where that precision arises form, its called Superchiasmatic Nucleus (SCN), which consists of 20,000 neurons that controls, all kind of time mechanism of the human body. Which controls, the cycle of hormones. sleep, metabolism, cell division and so on. SCN, calculates the day- night phenomenon and regulates the body with the error of only 1% or 2%. Its like a dance of quantum selfs as universe, Science defines this as Circadian Rhythm, where these 20,000 neurons are synced like a Mozart's song, and there are functional neuro-transmitter there working to make the dance happen. And these transmitter are harmonized to the sunlight, may be the evolution has made us in that way, synced with the sun, and the solar system. If you see astrology in this way, it really makes a lot of sense. At various season, the clock inside our body itself re-formats and matches with the outside stimuli, which happens due to longer days, because of the position of Earth. 

A study conducted by North Western University showed that if your office, or school, or even the place you are in the day doesn't get enough daylight, you will get 45 mins lesser sleep compared to people exposed to enough daylight, and it also hampers you sleep quality. Another study in Harvard University, showed that working just one night shift for any job, even studying, causes dis-balance in the glucose levels, in long term leading to obesity problems, and type 2 diabetes.  


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