Did you see, of that which is, and which is not ?

There is the constant chatter going on in the skull, we all are one with it, its there even now, while you are reading these words, and it goes on chattering. But we also know that deep down somewhere, we have a silent self, an absolutely calm state of being. And sometimes, suddenly, we jump into that state of being. We want more of it, that orgasmic feeling, of reading a poem, a movie scene, making love, even a sudden accident. We all have felt the glimpses of what is defined to be divine. The emptiness, as to speak.

So, thoughts are making us, who we are. We are because we think, on the other hand, thoughts are also keeping us away from the self, beyond the interpretation of thoughts and memories. Ahh ! The beautiful contradiction. 

Let us, experiment with these absurd statements, not as a static state of self, but kinetic being. So when one thinks, there is the thinker, and the thought, then the interpreter of thought,  the logician against the thought, and importantly the watcher who is neutral about all these processes going on. Existing all at once. So just look at whats going on, this very moment in your mind, not as a part of the process, but as if watching a movie, in a very large universal scale. 

Did you see, of that which is, and which is not ?


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