When Bubbles Die !

We all have bubbles around us,
Some small, some big, with colors,
inside our bubble is our  own world,
we do everything to make it work,
sometimes our bubbles get smaller,
so we bring in other bubbles close,
so from two it becomes one bubble,
making friends, singing songs, bubble love,
every-time we mix it expands a little,
worlds gets connected and wonderful,
sometimes bigger bubble are lonely,
its too big to touch our own roof,
we see loved bubbles bursting poof,
wonder where the homes flow off to,
then our bubble is too big to come close,
worlds get separated as countries do,
then somewhere dreams lose its roots,
our own bubbles suffocates its truth,
beautiful bubbles now fight wars and crimes,
of whose life its worth knows no-hopes,
we forget bubbles are circles to groove,
ride from a corner to the corner aloof,
someone realizes there's no bubble roof,
explains we all are happiness not gloom,
yet, no-one listens to the madness fumes,
the bubble gets bigger to touch feets to souls,
we all become bubbles making love untuned !


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