Life as probability ! ( The grand design )

Lets take an action that you did yesterday, you might had made choices while doing that action, but you chose the particular one, choice. What if at the same time, you have chosen all the other choices too. Then you exist all around everywhere, at different fragments of space/time, and all of yous's are making different choices. Isn't that the concept of alternate reality, living in different parallel dimensions all at once. And every action in your life is a choice that you make, or you had made. So logically every single one of them had many other alternative choices. Saying this, lets also look at the the dimension of existence in-terms of finite and infinite understanding. So while making a action happen you have different choices, in a larger view, we can see that it has a set of finite number of choices that you make. So every action has a certain finite set of reaction.  So, where is the start of all these choices ?

At birth all the other sperm were also you, but you were the one that came out, fighting against all the other yourself. That means a choice was made there, so even there at womb before coming out, you were one of the million choices that was born out of your parents during the process of copulation. And your parents also made choices, so somewhere in some other alternate reality, they might not even get married, because of a choice that they make. Because there is always a box of probability that rules that your parents did not even met, so you were never born, as you ! And even they might not have been born, even their parents, even their parents, parents might not have been born, because of a choice that they made.

Lets stretch it a little bit more, where do human originate ? Apes, Okay ! So did apes had choices, or was it a innate process of nature, even if innate process, there were multiple box of choices, that could have  occurred in a natural fragment of happening. Going further, "the earth is just formed" and its at the exact position to produce life, but life must be the potentiality of universe, its one of the choices, life at earth is not a production process, rather its a reproduction process, of a choice that the nature made, to reproduce itself as life, in earth. From chemicals, to biology of any sort being born, even at a microscopic level of life, which makes us its replication, was a choice, in the other set of choices, may be in some other alternate galaxy, planet earth is the red planet, and MARS made the right choice.

Even before that, the planets are said to be the fragments of SUN which were born after colliding with some other foreign object. May be the colliding object missed by an inch, so planets in our solar system, were not even formed, may be the object that came across the universe, at a very high speed, did not exist, may be its mother object was not banged with something else for it to exist. Lets take it to the extreme of science, after big bang, the time, and space were born, which also had finite number of choices at the very beginning. And universe is constantly moving into infinity, but still its a finite set of choices with finite number of solution, even if it stretches to infinity, its still finite number of choices that counts to infinity.

So was Big Bang, also a choice of some foreign unknown dimension of existence, and what is beyond that dimension, is it also choices made by some other choices that were made by some other choices ? Where does it all lead to, or where does it all end to ? So when everything ends, in the literal meaning of the word end, does that means its just a part of something that's operational in another level, but the set of finite choices in a particular one string of choices ended, but its still continuing like the continuation of life. So, where is the end ? or is it the other way, where is the beginning ? It is also true that birth is the first day that you move toward your death, physically, does that mean, beginning itself was the end !

For me this question matters, because it changes my understanding of life as an ego, it changes the way I see things, the way I am, and the way I will ever be, in the probabilities that I make. And some scientist, have proved that what I said above actually happens in the quantum level ! I am amazed by this very concept, I feel so alive and so dead. Is free will ? Isn't it that free will also falls in the certain set of probabilities that happens !


Anonymous said…
The concept of choice, by itself, is an interesting one. You, a human, make a choice believing it to be the best. Therefore, the best choice is the right one (for you). If only the right choice is, infact, the right choice, then all other options are wrong. Therefore, they are not choices anymore.

Your idea that everything must have made a choice, in order for things to turn out the way they have.. must consider this.. the choices made by you, nature, the universe were the only choices that existed. Therefore, in essence there is only the singular choice. The right one. All else are mere ideas, that never actually took shape.

There might be multiple realities, or there might be none. For example, the existence of multiple dimensions is a choice made by nature.. Therefore, the universe and nature made only one choice.. and thus, in essence there is only one reality. A greater reality.
Anonymous said…

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